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Rijksontmoetingsplein   headerxxl

Hybrid working

Activity-based working is central to hybrid working: People choose the workplace that best suits their activities. So they like to alternate between working at the office, at home and at other locations. Within the working environment, a diversity of spaces supports different activities. These include rooms for hybrid meetings, lounges for meetings, brainstorming rooms with high tables for agile collaboration and acoustic boxes for video calls that simultaneously serve as a barrier between zones.

Qabin Chat Focus, Qabin Call, Aero, 2020 Verta, 2020 Work Verta   landscapem
‘The more diverse an organisation, the better the atmosphere and performance.’

Type of people supported 

The more diverse an organisation, the better the atmosphere and performance. Therefore, a vitalising working environment accommodates a wide diversity of people - and thus individual needs - in the workplace. So for those who perform best through regular meetings, there are spaces for meetings and (digital) consultation. Those more productive and comfortable working in a quiet workplace can opt for acoustic boxes.

Het Parkhuis   landscapem
NVM   landscapem

Flexible conversion

In the vitalising working environment, the need for flexibility means movable or adaptable furniture. With agile working, it is practical if spaces and furniture also move flexibly with it. For example, if a project space can easily be converted into a presentation space. Or if the mobile boxes can be used on another floor during a redesign. Leasing furniture is another way to stay flexible. This allows the layout to move easily with the growth, shrinkage or changing needs of organisations.

Smart office

A vitalising working environment is not only comfortable but also smart. For example, a digital dashboard provides insight into occupancy: 'Is there another box available for video calls?' Employees no longer have to go all over the office looking for a suitable meeting room or workplace. All areas are also designed for hybrid working. They feature smart technology thus enabling employees to remain remotely connected with one another. Think interactive screens, webcams and speakers.

Ahrend Inspiration Centre (AIC)   landscapem

Other points of interest

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    Sustainable goals

    Here you can read the important building blocks for a vitalising working environment that contributes to sustainable objectives.

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    Vitalising zone model

    Use the vitalising zone model to create a vibrant working environment.

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Well, Well Work, Qabin Chat Connect high, Qabin Call, Revolt   squarem

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